Thought Of The Day

Thought for the Day

*Quote by Robyn Conley Downs

**Picture by me on one of my daily walks 🙂

My thought for today is to find the strength you need to share your message.  There are people out there that need to hear what you have to share, for they are going through what you have gone through and need to know they are not alone.  So, have the courage to speak up.  You have those that care for you and know your story.  They are behind you showing their support so that you can help others.

I know this is easier said than done at times.  Boy, do I know this! But to share is to help others and it gives great joy to be able to do this.

Have a great day!

Belle xo

Me, writing, topics, sharing

Continue to Learn and Be Enlightened


*Photo from Pixabay

I have not felt like writing very much recently.  Mainly because no matter what I do, I am constantly being watched for what I write.  And if by any chance I say something “wrong” (even with hardly any followers on my blog) an alarm goes out and I am shut down again.

I started this blog to be able first to share things, like a journal, and not affect anyone, and yet get thoughts out of my head, get support, and show others possibly going through the same thing that they are not alone.  Second to be able to write poems and stories, etc, and let my creative side spill out and not be held inside.  And yet, here it is being held in again because of this.

I have reached a place in my life where I am finding the real me, understanding some things I didn’t before and feeling more myself than I have in such a very long time.  I have found that I am an extremely sensitive person of which I thought meant I was needy and over the top.  Now I understand it just means that I have a gift for feeling things from others around me in which makes me extra empathetic.  Now I understand why I could always put myself in other people’s shoes and feel what they felt and understood their side of things better than most.  And why my emotions sometimes were all over the place when in certain situations. And also why I needed and enjoyed being by myself.

It also explained why I felt the need to help those around me and take on their problems when they were not mine to take on.  Why I don’t like chaos and want everyone happy around me, so I tried all ways to make those around me happy, even if it meant I was not happy.  But I thought I was happy because others around me were.

Understanding these things has put more confidence in me to the point I feel my fire coming back.  The light inside of me is growing strong again.  I still cringe when someone I love is not happy.  But I understand more now, that I have to be happy too and my life has to be lived separately as well as with the ones I love.  So that we are all happy in our own way.

Anyway friends, I just wanted to share these things and I am finding my voice again and my confidence in my writing and love of creativity.  Hopefully, because of this, I will have some things to share very soon.

Until then, stay well.  Keep an open mind and keep learning in life and in you.

Belle xo

NaNoWriMo, writing




I have not been around recently for many reasons.  The main one is that I was preparing and beginning to participate in the #NaNoWriMo challenge! I was at the beginning of writing a fantasy novel and wanted that extra incentive to get it done or at least on the road to being done.  Knowing that you don’t always reach the finality of the book in this challenge, I knew I could at least get that push and “umph” to get it going and hopefully almost if not completely written by the end of November!!

Because of other things going on at the end of October and the beginning of this month I am now really going to be ducking into my writer’s cave and diving into my writing.  50,000 words by the end of November is no small feat so wish me luck and keep on being great the way you are!!!

Belle xo

sharing, thoughts

Love You and Your Body



I have always had a love/hate relationship with my body.  But I have found that if I do not like something about my body I either need to live with it and love it, or do something about it and love it more.  That is why I am working with my doctor right now on a diet plan where I have a monthly check up for her to keep tabs on me.  And as I do this, I am exercising, going to yoga and eating a healthy diet (for the main part). I feel so great right now for doing this.

So, when I have a lady come in to our store, as she is going to be a model for us at the local fashion show we are participating in, and she is constantly down on herself; the way she looks, her body and her age, I try my best to make her feel good and confident about herself.  It hurts me to hear someone put themselves down and make rude comments about themselves.  It just isn’t right.  I just wanted her to feel good in her own skin!

Tonight was the fashion show and she looked great along with the other 10 models we had.  She being the oldest, she looked amazing and they all did so great!

How do you feel about your body?

Belle xo